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Bettina Joy de Guzman





Ancient Greek and Roman music, Diaspora of ancient musical instruments from Mediterranean to East Asia, Homeric studies, Archaic poetry, Ancient Greek and Roman theater, Classics reception, comparative studies, Mediterranean culture.




2020-2022     Grant recipient, Associate, Visiting Artist. Harvard University’s Center for                               Hellenic Studies.


2009               Single Subject Teaching Credential for Latin, English, Social Science, Music;                         Supplementary Credential in Psychology. University of California in Irvine.


2008                 M.A. in Classics. University of California in Irvine.


2002-2008         Regents Fellowship for Ph.D. Program in Classics. University of                                            California in Irvine.


1995- 2002        B.A. in Classics (with Honors), Music, English, Psychology.  University of                             California in Irvine.




2009-                 Latin, Classical Greek, English and American Literature, World History                                  Teacher.


2007-2014       Volunteer and Intern. Art Collections and Education. Getty Villa, Bowers                                 Museum and Kidseum, Visual Resource Collection at University of                                         California in Irvine.


2002-2006       Teaching Assistant and Instructor. Latin and Greek Roots, Scientific                                         Terminology,  Mythology, Ancient Greek and Roman History and                                           Literature. University of California in Irvine.    





October 18, 2024 California State University in Long Beach, Department of Classics.

President and Panel Organizer. California Classical Association South. Fall conference 2024.

Invited lecturers: Greg Woolf (University of California in Los Angeles and New York University), Andromache Karanika (University of California in Irvine), and Kelly Nguyen (University of California in Los Angeles).


June 15, 2024 Catholic University, Washington DC. “Redefining Classics” Conference.

Performance. “Ancient Greek Music.” Lecture. “Ancient Mediterranean Instruments.”


May 11, 2024 California State University in Long Beach, Department of Classics. 

President and Panel Organizer. California Classical Association South. Spring conference 2024. â€‹ Invited lecturers: Mai Musie, Annelise Baer, Jennifer Rea (University of Florida), Debby Sneed (California State University in Long Beach).


April 4, 2024 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Classics.  

Performances and Lectures. “Sing Wrath, Goddess: Iliad, Kypria, and Odyssey on the Lyre,” and “Hymns to the Gods: To Aten and To Hathor.”


March 1-2, 2024 University of Florida in Gainesville, Departments of Classics, Liberal Arts and Sciences; UF Center for Greek Studies; UF Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere through the Roth Endowment; Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education. Society for Classical Studies. 

Lecture. “Ancient Greek Music: Lyre and Poetry.” Performance. “Homer in the Grove: Experience Ancient Greek through selections from Homeric poetry, accompanied by lyre.”


December 2, 2023 University of California in Irvine, Department of Classics. (virtual)

President and Panel Organizer. California Classical Association South. Fall conference 2023.  “New Works, New Perspectives.” Invited lecturers: Stephanie McCarter (University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee), Greg Woolf (University of California in Los Angeles), and Partial Historians podcasters Fiona Radford and Peta Greenfield.


November 22, 2023 Theocharakis Foundation for Fine Arts and Music in Athens, Greece. 

Collaborative Performance: “Incarnation of the Goddess: Ancient Myth and Music,” Storytelling by Vasileia Vaxevani. Musical Performance by Bettina Joy de Guzman.


April 2023 De Gruyter.The Staying Power of Thetis: Reception from Homer to the 21st Century. Trends in Classics Supplementary Volumes. 

Author. “Reception in Performance: Interview and Lyrics.”


April 22, 2023 California State University in Long Beach, Department of Classics. 

President and Panel Organizer. California Classical Association South. Spring conference 2023. 

“Ancient Greek and Roman Performance, Reimagined.” 

Invited lecturers: Bettina Joy de Guzman, Armand D’Angour (Oxford), Angela Cinalli (La Sapienza University), and Samuel Dorf (University of Dayton). Invited panelists: Sharon James (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Timothy Moore (Washington University), and Max Silverman (Oxford University).


April 18-19 2023 University of Nebraska in Omaha, Departments of Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Art History, English, Music, Religious Studies. Archaeological Institute of America. 

Lecture 1. “Lamenting Women: the Voices of War’s Victims.” Lecture 2. “Performance and Reception of Ancient Greek Music: Journeys, Sounds, and Spaces.” 

Performance. “Hearing Ancient Greece: Bettina Joy de Guzman in Concert.”


April 19, 2023 Classical 90.7 KVNO. University of Nebraska in Omaha.

Interview. “Music from Centuries Ago.” by Gabriel Escalera.


April-May 2023 Cosmote TV, History Channel (aired in Greece and Cyprus). 

Host and Creator. “Ancient Greek Culture, Now” (Αρχαοιελληνικοσ Πολιτιμοσ Τωρα) Season 2.


January 24, 2023 La Sapienza University, with Italian Licei (Italian PCTO course).

Lecture in collaboration with Angela Cinalli on the concept of the PoetiVaganti project.


December 18, 2022 Cosmote TV, History Channel (aired in Greece and Cyprus). 

Host and Creator. “Navel of the World: Delphi.”


November 2022 University of California in Irvine, Department of Classics (virtual).

President and Panel Organizer. California Classical Association South. Fall conference 2022.

Invited lecturers: Cora Beth Fraser (Open University), ​​​​​​Peter J. Miller (University of Winnipeg), Callum Armstrong (Aulos Collective), Annelise Baer, and Owen Doonan (California State University at Northridge) 


October 6, 2022  Triennial Gilbert Murray Trust lecture, Glasgow.

Performance (pre-recorded) as part of the lecture given by poet and translator Alicia E. Stallings in Glasgow, marking the bicentenary of the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence. 


July, 2022-2023 “Iliad A Day” project: singing the entire Scroll 1 of Iliad. 

Performance of all 611 lines of Homer’s Iliad in dactylic hexameter.


May 22-28 2022 Delphic Festival. Delphi, Greece.

Performances and lecture: “Apollo”, “Sappho and Isadora” and “Ancient Greek Music.”

In collaboration with Isadora Duncan Foundation and Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies. Documentary released December 2022 through Cosmote TV, History Channel.


December 3, 2021 Myths, Baby! Podcast. 

Interview by Liv Albert. “Conversations: Singing the Words of Homer, Ancient Music and Lyrics with Bettina Joy De Guzman.”


November 2021  National Geographic Overheard podcast.

Interview and performance: “Ancient Orchestra.”


November 2021  Edition Orpheus. Greece.

Editor. Complete Method of the Ancient Greek Lyre by Nikos Xanthoulis.


November 2021  University of California in Irvine, Department of Classics (virtual).

President and Panel Organizer. California Classical Association South. Fall conference 2021.

Invited lecturers: Helen Morales (University of California in Santa Barbara, David Wright (Furman University), Anika Prather, and Jerolyn Morrison (Baylor University).


Oct 29, 2021 California State University in Northridge (virtual). 

Lecture and Discussion: “Ancient Music and Composition for Animation.” Art 342/ 542 Exhibition design and Art 494 Animation internship. Sinop Kale Excavation Project.


July 28, 2021 National Junior Classical League (virtual). Annual convention.

Performance and Discussion: “Ancient Greek and Roman Music.”


May 27, 2021 Classical Association of Canada (virtual). Annual meeting.

Performance and Discussion: “Ancient Music.”


May 24, 2021 WNYC and WQXR radio, in conjunction with New York Public Library.

Interview and music debut: “Achilles, Briseis, and Patroclus,” composed for the event by special request of guest and author Madeline Miller.

Performance. “Get Lit Re-Read: Bettina Joy de Guzman Performs.”


May 10, 2021 British School at Rome (virtual).

Performance and Lecture. “Lyric and lyre of Ancient Greece and Rome." 


April 24, 2021  University of California in Irvine, Department of Classics (virtual).

President and Panel Organizer. California Classical Association South. Spring conference. “Diversity and Connection, Performance and Morality in Ancient Mediterranean Cultures.” Invited lecturers: Darius Arya, Peter B. Campbell, Joel Christensen (Brandeis University) and Zoe Fox (University of Birmingham in UK).


Apr 10, 2021  California Junior Classical League, State Convention (virtual).

Performance and Lecture. “Ancient Greek Lyric and Music.”


February 28, 2021  University of California in Santa Barbara, Classics Department (virtual).

Performance. “Ancient Greek Lyric and Music.” 


February 5, 2021  Kosmos Society, Harvard University (virtual).

Lecture. “Performing Ancient Greek Lyric and Music”


January-February, 2021  Cosmote TV, History Channel (aired in Greece and Cyprus). 

Host and Creator . “Ancient Greek Culture, Now” Season 1.


December 23, 2020  Harvard University, Center for Hellenic Studies (virtual).

Acting “Aristophanes’ ‘Frogs’, Reading Greek Tragedy Online.”


December 8-9, 2020  Harvard University, Center for Hellenic Studies (virtual).

Acting and music performance. “Odyssey ‘Round the World”  Rhapsody 1 and 24.


December 3, 2021  Myths, Baby! Podcast. 

Interview by Liv Albert. “Conversations: Singing the Words of Homer, Ancient Music and Lyrics with Bettina Joy De Guzman.”


November 14, 2020  California State University in Northridge (virtual).

President, Host, and Organizer. California Classical Association, South. Fall conference 2020.“War and Mobility, Deceit and Homecoming.” Invited lecturers: Shadi Bartsch (University of Chicago), Rebecca Futo Kennedy (Denison University), William Greg Thalmann and Warrior Bards (University of California in Los Angeles), Vasileia Vaxevani (Paramythokores), Olga Facciani and Michael Morgan with Odyssey Project (University of California in Santa Barbara).


November 14, 2020  Junior Classical League, Northern California Convention (virtual). Demonstration and Lecture. “Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Greek Music.”


November 12, 2020  Archaeological Institute of America, Hawaii (virtual). Fall conference.

Performance and Lecture. “The Ancient Muse: Music from Ancient Greece and Egypt.”


October 23, 2020  Southern Methodist University, Department of Classics (virtual).

Performance and lecture of “Ancient Greek Music.”


September 09, 2020  Harvard University, Center for Hellenic Studies (virtual).

Acting. “Euripides’ ‘Electra’, Reading Greek Tragedy Online.”


August 23, 2020  Actors of Dionysus

Performance. “Day 157 #dailydose, “Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’: Sun’s First Rays.”


July 2020  Harvard University, Center for Hellenic Studies (virtual). 

Performance and discussion of two choruses from Sophocles’ “Antigone.”

“Chorus, Special Edition: Reading Greek Tragedy Online.”


June 27, 2020  Digital Hammurabi video podcast (virtual). 

Performance and discussion. “Ancient Music, Modern Muse.”


June 20, 2020  Harvard University, Center for Hellenic Studies (virtual). 

Festival of the Muses, Delphic Preview 2020.

Organizer and performer. Performance followed by lectures. “Epic, Hymns, and Invocations.” 

Invited lecturers: Armand D’Angour (Oxford University), Nikos Xanthoulis (Greek National Opera), Angelo Meriani (Università di Salerno; MOISA: The International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and its Cultural Heritage), Andromache Karanika (University of California in Irvine), Maria G. Xanthou (Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, Princeton University), Gregory Nagy (Harvard University), Theodore Koumartzis (Luthieros Music Instruments & Seikilo Museum of Ancient Music), and Sylvain Perrot (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, University of Strasbourg).


November 2, 2019  University of California in Irvine, Department of Classics.  

President and Panel Organizer. California Classical Association South. Fall conference. “Gods, Prison, Rap, and Socrates.” Invited lecturers: Armand D’Angour (Oxford University), Andy West (Philosophy Foundation), Adrienne Mayor (Stanford University), Brandon Bourgeois (University of Southern California), Olga Faccani (University of California in Santa Barbara).


June 2019-present  YouTube

Host and creator of interview series: “Storytelling, Philosophy, and Reception” project with filmographer Christos Sagias. Invited guests: Laura Slatkin, Armand D’Angour, Vasileia Vaxevani, Flint Dibble, Nikos Xanthoulis, Aliki Markantonatou, Andy West, Liv Albert, et al.


June 2019 University of Coimbra, Portugal. Celtic Conference in Classics. 

Final Plenary Speaker for panel “Sovereign of the Sea: The Staying Power of Thetis in the Greco-Roman World and Beyond.”  

Performance and discussion. “Sing, Goddess: Ancient Greek Music.” 


May 2019  California State University in Long Beach, Department of Classics. 

Organizer. California Classical Association South. Spring conference 2019. “Lyrics, Legends, and the Female Voice.” Invited lecturers: Emily Hauser (University of Exeter), Nikos Xanthoulis (National Greek Opera), Andromache Karanika (University of California in Irvine), and Bettina Joy de Guzman.

Performance and lecture. “Ancient Greek and Roman Music.”


April 2019  University of Hawaii in Manoa, Department of Classics.  

Performance and discussion.  “Ancient Greek Music.”


March 2019  Published, composed, and performed. “Athanatos.” Music album of Sumerian, Ancient Greek, and Ancient Roman songs and lyrics.


October 2018  Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki, Greece. “Gift of the Gods IV.” 

Performance. Sophocles’ “Antigone”, music by Nikos Xanthoulis (National Greek Opera). ​​


October 2018  TV100 (Aired in Thessaloniki). Interview by Xristina Kanataki.


October 17, 2018  Greek City Times. Interview by Alexia Amvrazi.


June 2018  National Archeological Museum of Athens. Hadrian exhibit.

Composed and Performed songs from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Performed with Nikos Xanthoulis.


May 2018  Luthieros Publications.

English Editor. Ancient Greek Lyre: Method and Teaching, by Nikos Xanthoulis.

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